Monday, October 8, 2007

Sunday NY Times

Did you ever wonder how many hours it really takes to read the entire Sunday NYTimes? I timed it as I flew to London....try seven hours. No wonder I always feel behind at home. I don't have seven hours every week to read it! Great articles though. No one beats the NYTimes for quality of articles and quality of writing.

I am now in London where I am connecting to a Lot flight to Poland. So far I have taken off my shoes and jacket to go through security three times after I came off the plane. The security here is super tight and the lines have about 200 people so it takes awhile. It took me 1.5 hours to go from concourse to another just to transfer from United. I won't complain about security at SFO anymore.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Getting ready to go

I will be taking a trip with my husband Stanley to his home country Poland to visit relative and friends that he hasn't seen for over fifty years. He left Poland as a young boy for political reasons with his mom and his brother.